everstiluutnantti Juha Pyykkö - Game List

* Game report nr. 4399 Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 16:30 * The Krutoy Log Roll
Vesa VirriGERMAN Vesa Virri
the 809th game, + 4.3 pts *
× 1.15
Juha Pyykkö RUSSIAN
*-4.3 pts, the 241st game
* Game report nr. 4397 Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 20:30 * To the Pain
Vesa VirriJAPANESE Vesa Virri
the 808th game, + 4.5 pts *
× 1.16
Juha Pyykkö BRITISH
*-4.5 pts, the 240th game
* Game report nr. 4396 Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 14:45 * End of the Beginning
Vesa VirriBRITISH Vesa Virri
the 807th game, + 4.7 pts *
× 1.17
Juha Pyykkö JAPANESE
*-4.7 pts, the 239th game
* Game report nr. 4080 Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 01:00 * Claws of the Sparrow
Antti WesterlundJAPANESE Antti Westerlund
the 229th game, + 8.8 pts *
× 1.38
*-8.8 pts, the 238th game
Antti WesterlundBRITISH Antti Westerlund
the 228th game, + 9.6 pts *
× 1.43
Juha Pyykkö JAPANESE
*-9.6 pts, the 237th game
Vesa VirriGERMAN Vesa Virri
the 747th game, + 4.2 pts *
× 1.15
Juha Pyykkö RUSSIAN
*-4.2 pts, the 236th game
Vesa VirriGERMAN Vesa Virri
the 746th game, + 4.4 pts *
× 1.16
Juha Pyykkö FRENCH
*-4.4 pts, the 235th game
* Game report nr. 3950 Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 21:00 * Forging Spetsnaz
Vesa VirriJAPANESE Vesa Virri
the 741st game, + 4.8 pts *
× 1.18
Juha Pyykkö RUSSIAN
*-4.8 pts, the 234th game
Vesa VirriCANADIAN Vesa Virri
the 739th game, + 5.2 pts *
× 1.19
Juha Pyykkö ITALIAN
*-5.2 pts, the 233rd game
Vesa VirriRUSSIAN Vesa Virri
the 737th game, + 5.5 pts *
× 1.21
Juha Pyykkö GERMAN
*-5.5 pts, the 232nd game