vääpeli Petri Vuorela vs Tuomo Lukkari - Game List

* Game report nr. 487 Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 14:00 * Oh Joy!
Tuomo LukkariRUSSIAN Tuomo Lukkari
the 120th game, + 12.2 pts *
× 1.62
Petri VuorelaPetri Vuorela GERMAN
*-12.2 pts, the 60th game
* Game report nr. 266 Sat, Apr 1, 2000 at 14:00 * Smashing the 3rd
Tuomo LukkariRUSSIAN Tuomo Lukkari
the 56th game, + 15.1 pts *
× 1.89
Petri VuorelaPetri Vuorela GERMAN
*-15.1 pts, the 39th game
* Game report nr. 187 Sat, Dec 4, 1999 at 06:00 * Slow and Steady
Tuomo LukkariJAPANESE Tuomo Lukkari
the 41st game, + 19.5 pts *
× 2.56
Petri VuorelaPetri Vuorela CHINESE
*-19.5 pts, the 29th game
* Game report nr. 121 Sat, Aug 28, 1999 at 16:00 * Udarnik Bridgehead
Petri VuorelaSPANISH Petri Vuorela
the 18th game, + 18.5 pts *
× 2.37
Tuomo LukkariTuomo Lukkari RUSSIAN
*-18.5 pts, the 29th game