kapteeni Teemu Luoma - Game List

* Game report nr. 4468 Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 23:45 * Torment at Tormua
Tommi KangasmaaFINNISH Tommi Kangasmaa
the 336th game, + 9.4 pts *
× 1.42
Teemu LuomaTeemu Luoma RUSSIAN
*-9.4 pts, the 163rd game
* Game report nr. 4460 Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 11:00 * Mook Point
Teemu LuomaAMERICAN Teemu Luoma
the 162nd game, + 7.9 pts *
× 1.33
Kirby VincentKirby Vincent GERMAN
*-7.9 pts, the 62nd game
* Game report nr. 4367 Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:30 * Hunters at Ylimaa
Teemu LuomaGERMAN Teemu Luoma
the 161st game, + 8.5 pts *
× 1.36
Kirby VincentKirby Vincent FINNISH
*-8.5 pts, the 54th game
Kirby VincentRUSSIAN Kirby Vincent
the 52nd game, + 24.9 pts *
× 4.50
Teemu LuomaTeemu Luoma FINN
*-24.9 pts, the 160th game
Teemu LuomaRUSSIAN Teemu Luoma
the 159th game, + 7.6 pts *
× 1.31
Kirby VincentKirby Vincent FINN
*-7.6 pts, the 51st game
Kirby VincentRUSSIAN Kirby Vincent
the 49th game, + 25.8 pts *
× 5.15
Teemu LuomaTeemu Luoma FINNISH
*-25.8 pts, the 158th game
Teemu LuomaRUSSIAN Teemu Luoma
the 157th game, + 6.6 pts *
× 1.26
Kirby VincentKirby Vincent FINNISH
*-6.6 pts, the 48th game
* Game report nr. 4315 Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 12:45 * Monty's Mess
Kirby VincentBRITISH Kirby Vincent
the 46th game, + 26.6 pts *
× 5.92
Teemu LuomaTeemu Luoma GERMAN
*-26.6 pts, the 156th game
Teemu LuomaGERMAN Teemu Luoma
the 155th game, + 8.1 pts *
× 1.34
Harri SappinenHarri Sappinen RUSSIAN
*-8.1 pts, the 116th game
* Game report nr. 3182 Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 20:15 * Freeing the Roadway
Teemu LuomaBRITISH Teemu Luoma
the 154th game, + 16.5 pts *
× 2.07
Tuomo LukkariTuomo Lukkari GERMAN
*-16.5 pts, the 451st game