


From * Heat of Battle

Publishing year: 2002

CodeNameGamesCommentsAvg Rating
Buck6* Big Guns at Bibilo124.125000 4.1
Buck10* Buckeye Blitzkrieg233.875000 3.9
Buck8* Cut, Slash, and Mow Them Down123.625000 3.6
Buck4* Flamin' Frank333.625000 3.6
Buck3* Hell on Horseshoe Hill353.083333 3.1
Buck5* Men Remembered Well153.125000 3.1
Buck2* Repple Depples No More233.125000 3.1
Buck9* To Take Back a Hill213.687500 3.7
Buck7* Up the Numa Numa Trail223.916667 3.9
Buck1* Welcome to the Jungle342.875000 2.9