
Tactiques # 1

Tactiques # 1

From * Tactiques

Publishing year: 1991

CodeNameGamesCommentsAvg Rating
TAC4* "I Remember"113.000000 3.0
TAC2* Between the Hammer and the Anvil603.312500 3.3
TAC6* Counterattack at Villers-Bocage302.625000 2.6
TAC1* Dropping Off At Maleme?00
TAC10* Get Up Kids!00
TAC9* Lezongar Stronghold102.500000 2.5
TAC8* Stroll to Champfleurs00
TAC5* The Merville Battery00
TAC7* Trap in Carpiquet00
TAC3* Uneasy Withdrawal121.750000 1.8