
Critical Hit # 3

Critical Hit # 3

From * Critical Hit

Publishing year: 1995

CodeNameGamesCommentsAvg Rating
PL F* Arakian Rose00
CH33* At the Point723.625000 3.6
CH39* Bedja Blockade00
CH28* Children of the Kunai204.250000 4.3
CH26* Close Order Dreil103.000000 3.0
CH31* First and Goal203.750000 3.8
CH27* Fix Bayonets!00
CH37* Forgotten Years00
CH29* Gift Wrapped112.875000 2.9
CH30* Kravchenko's 6th Guards Tank Army514.187500 4.2
CH40* Nordic Twilight00
CH35* Obong-Ni00
CH38* Orange Beach 300
CH36* Saving the Breakout00
CH32* The Kibbutz00
CH34* The Lighthouse103.500000 3.5